Hello Ohio River!

We pulled anchors at about 8AM.  Chris had to get on Bubba’s boat to help get the anchor up.  The chain kept getting stuck. Then Bubba had to get his boat close to ours so Chris could hop back on.  

We had only 8 miles and then we would meet up with the Ohio River.  The Mississippi was churning the whole way.  When we reached the Ohio, we made sure we went to the 981-mile marker so we could say we have been on “all” the Ohio River (once we travel to Pittsburgh in the next couple years).  Bubba radioed us and asked if we felt like we were home.  And yes, it does!

We had one lock to go through – Olmstead Lock- this lock is a new lock that has taken 20 years to build and should be completed in 2020.  They only had one chamber working, but we were able to lock through with a smaller barge and tug.  

We arrived at Paducah and found that they had very new docks, fuel and pump out.  The docks were within walking distance of downtown restaurants and shopping.  We met a few more loopers who were just starting or were half-way through the trip.  We only have 12 miles before we cross our wake!   To celebrate, Bubba and Anne took us out to dinner.  It is a happy time and at the same time sad to be ending our trip and leaving a community of great people.  We hope to cross their sail lines again in the future.

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