Lake George with Don!

A good friend of ours, Don Leo, came and picked us up and took us up to Lake George for a couple days.  Chris and I worked with Don for 25 years.  Don showed us around the area.  We had lunch with his retired buddies, and everyone welcomed us. We then went to happy hour at another place and got to play some NY Keno. (we won $12 of our $20 back) We had a great pasta dinner that Don made and a great red wine. We had a big discussion on the value of a $50 bottle of wine from 2000 in today’s evaluation……… inflation had it at $76, wine magazine had it at $56 but now its in our bellies Priceless! The next day we took a tour around the Lake George.  We stopped at a resort for a quick look at the lake then we headed north to a ferry that take you across to Vermont. 

We ended up in Whitehall, where we met Don’s friend who owns the Whitehall Marina. We also met a gentleman (Tom) who completed the loop and is still living on his boat. 

After some good conversation and a few drinks, we headed back to Don’s place to grill out steaks!   We had a great time!      

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