On to Albany!

The air was very hot and heavy in the morning.  Luckily there was a wind to help cool us off.  The river became a bit narrower as we traveled north. 

We continued to see light houses out in the river.  Some history – When the Erie Canal opened in 1825 and commercial river traffic increased, the U.S. Lighthouse Establishment felt the need for a more sophisticated system of lights. In 1826, the Stony Point Lighthouse was the first to shine its light on the Hudson, starting a system of lights that eventually grew to 14 lighthouses and numerous post lamps to guide mariners safely the length of the river. The seven lighthouses that exist today along the Hudson River are a tribute to the preservation groups that have worked long and dedicated hours in restoring, preserving and keeping these maritime treasures alive. Some of them you can stay at as a B&B.

We saw a house that looks like our house on the Ohio River.  Chris found a Neapolitan house (strawberry, vanilla, chocolate)

You could tell we were heading north because you could see mountains in the distance.  It was amazing how quickly the land changed from flat and sandy to hilly and rocky.

Albany is a bit industrial but nice. We stayed at the Albany Yacht Club across from downtown.

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